
Friday, January 6, 2012

Weekly Giveaway Returns!

I had a great winter break on the eastern seaboard of the US (where I used to live).  Thought about jumping the pond to go visit Urban Taggers, but I figured it'd be closer to swim the Pacific than the Atlantic!  Well, 2012 is upon us and I'm keeping my promise.  The Weekly Giveaway has returned, as I've still got a bunch of stuff I'd rather give to good Nerfing homes than sell or auction off!  In case you forgot, here's how this works.  In order to win the prize for the week, simply answer the question in the comments below.  At the end of the week, I enter all the names of folks who commented and pick one at random.  If you're a Follower of the blog, your name gets entered twice!  Then you get me an address, I send you the prize, and everyone is happy!

Got it?  Good!  The Prize for this week is a Nerf Element EX-6.  It's gotta be one of my favorite pistols in the Nerf Lineup.  What's not to love?  Good ammo storage, direct plunger, easy to modify, and just a neat looking blaster.  I've seen some awesome Sci Fi repaints using this blaster too, as it's design lends itself well for this purpose.  To clarify, the prize is for the Element ONLY.  No accessories or disks or anything like that.  Just a nice reliable Element.  Oh, and did I mention it's modified?  Just your basic AR removal and plunger padding.  It performs great!

The first question of 2012 is, as usual, related to the prize.  What is your favorite sidearm?  Most folks who play Nerf or Laser Tag carry some kind of backup blaster that can easily be stored in a pocket or holster.  It could be anything from a Laser Challenge Radar Extreme pistol or a Super Soaker Point Break pistol.  Feel free to explain why you made your choice.


  1. My favorite sidearm would have to be the Maverick. I love how easy it is to mod and it just looks really sick with a good paint job! The only problem is I have not tried many side arms when it comes to Nerf. But the maverick is my favorite side arm.

  2. my personal favorite sidearm, so far, is a tie between the Nerf Sharp Shot, or Nitefinder EX-3...either only once modded of course. Mostly because both work great even unmodded.

  3. hmmmmm depends what you call a sidearm :P I really like mavs. Handle is comfortable,6 shots,and is easy to mod. The NF is good for a single shot but I REALLY like my proton right now. But praxis will probably over take it.

    Ps: what are the ranges for that element?

  4. I usually use my cpvc'd nitefinder if I use a side arm at all( I usually have small indoor wars where being able to dodge a dart while ducking into cover is more important than having an extra blaster). When I do use a sidearm I usually have the priming ring on my pinky finger on my trigger hand, this allows me to prime it without moving my finger from my primaries trigger.

  5. Well my FAVORITE sidearm is an XD45c but it's gotten me banned from a couple games cause it's just too dang powerful. So for now I'm using a Nerf Proton. I like it because it fits nicely into a cargo pocket and its disc is breech-loaded so I don't have to worry about it falling out or getting smashed as with a Nitefinder or other single-shot muzzle-loading pistols.

  6. Sidearms... I've heard of those...

    Too bad I don't usually use them.

    Or, rather, I use your typical "sidearm" as my main artillery. Could be that I like to travel light. Could be that I like small blasters... Or it might have to do with the fact that the wallet is a li'll tight right now... Naw.

    Haha. Actually, though, I just scored a Vulcan, and I can all ready tell I'll need something to back it up when I'm reloading. I'm thinking about a nice, green blaster that lights up. But you wouldn't know anything about that one.

    Seems t'me that not many blasters beyond the Vulcan really need a sidearm, though. Pretty much all of the other larger blasters are clip system. And if you keep on your toes and have more than one clip, you pretty much have infinite ammo and next to no reload time.
    But, then again, it depends on your play style and area. S'pose it might be harder to scavenge outside. And you might not like to scavenge. But, hey, if it works, it works.

    -A horribly long-winded rant. Apologies. And, for those who sat through it, congratulations!

  7. I like to carry wayyyy too many guns, but out of all the guns I carry, I like the barricade most. It has an insane RoF which makes it the perfect gun to compliment my Titan. I also replaced the AA's with a 9v, so the ranges are nice too. The volume isn't an issue, as I only activate the flywheels after my stealth is blown. I'm working on making mine drop-clip style for faster reloads and I'm also finishing up a legit N-Strike Magazine accepting Barricade.

  8. I enjoy using a vintage Spider man dart tag blaster on my right wrist (trigger hand) becuase it is compact, hangs on my arm so I dont have to carry it, holds pressure for a while, and has 3 shots to use! I highly recommend picking one up :D

  9. @ice^3 nice to see that you claim my gun as yours. but my favorite sidearm was my scout until it met its bitter end. now i dont use one but plan on using my barricade when i get it back from ice^3, or I may end up buying a rayven as my secondary.

  10. I own a Whiteout Nerf Maverick Modified by Drac over at Nerf Mods and Reviews, and I really couldn't ask for anything better. Storage as a sidearm can be a pain with a maverick because of it's size and boxy build, but I have designed holsters that remedy the problem. Drac did a great job, and as a secondary it often ends up becoming my primary. Although in size and distance a Nightfinder would be far more adequate, a Maverick can be fired in rapid succession, and that really is the difference that counts.

  11. I'm surprised that the jolt hasn't been mentioned. Good ranges and super compact you really can't go wrong with that.

  12. My favorite would definitely have to be the scout ix-3. one of the best looking pistols nerf has yet to make, and excellent ranges stock. This is mainly from a stock point of view though. Chosen over the maverick because they have a massive tendency to jam. However, if I go with modified sidearms, the maverick would definitely win, as just removing the AR gives it enough umph to get the dart out of the barrel without jamming them.

  13. For laser tag, I prefer my custom EX-3D, A Nitefinder with the internals from our fastest-firing laser tag blaster.

    For Nerf, I currently have a AR-removed Jolt, modified by 'Zook himself, but might upgrade to a modded Nitefinder once I get a proper holster for the EX-3D

  14. My favorite sidearm is the scout. I like how it has pretty nice ranges and doesnt really need to be modded. Just a real nice reliable blaster in my opinion

  15. I ahven't really gotten that many chances to do full on nerf battles but I got two favorite sidearms.

    For conventional use: Scout. It's a really nice sized, fun blaster that hits pretty hard for something unmodified. It also just looks really nice and feels good to hold and shoot. Now I've never owned one but I had a chance to shoot people with it at a friends house.

    For good ol shooting frenzy: Vortex Proton. I brought it on a trip where we have a small nerf fight before a running event and it's just really cool to have. It ricochets, it's accurate, it shoots far without me having to do anything to it, and I really love that loading mechanism. Now the thing is a little big and bulky but for random shooting around the house I really love this thing

  16. My favorite sidearm of all time is... The Jolt! You can easily carry and hide it, as well as easily reload it and prime it. Someone shoots at you, grab the dart right out of the air and stick it in, pull down the priming bar, and shoot em'! If I let my dad and let him use it, vs a barricade, he wins easy. But, I like my stampede more, so it is my secondary, the best ever!

  17. My favorite sidearm would have to be:

    The Nightfinder.

    First, I removed the light from the gun (I'm no modder, but it was pretty easy). Then I removed the battery case. My gun is now I lethal silent killer! It is SO QUIET. It is perfect for assassinations, and if you use Sonic Micro darts, it adds range. And is is super accurate, too. The Maverick is a nice side arm if you need bullets whizzing out everywhere, but when you need a "one shot left", gimme the nightfinder everytime.

    If you want to contact me, do so at, or my youtube account,

    I make some Nerf Wars, so I know what I am talking about.

  18. Sidearms is a good question. I've got five I like, the Hasbro Cad Bane Blaster, which I've modded by removing the air restrictor and dart peg, shoots really good, and the Scout IX-3. Though if I need something a little bigger, I use the 9v Barricade, if I must, or the Ultimate Rapid Blast, if I can get away with it. The Cad Bane is my small standard one. The Scout is for if I need to be quieter. The Barricade has been 9v modded, so it's incredibly loud, while the URB is stock and works great while holding two more darts than the Barricade. It's a little bigger, though, so if I need more mobility I use the Barricade and the URB if I don't or need to be quieter. My other option is the Jolt, of course. It's easy to put anywhere, extremely powerful, fairly comfortable, and can vacuum load darts so loading is more forgiving. My only problem with it is the lack of on board dart storage, and the fact that it's easier to prime the slide back blasters like the Scout and Cad Bane. I wish I had a Magstrike or Hornet to try out as a sidearm, I figure they'd do pretty good as one.

    In short: Jolt, Cad Bane, Scout, Barricade, Ultimate Rapid Blast

  19. If modded ones count. My favorite sidearm has to be my Proton. Why? Those disks fly far with a good gust of wind.

  20. My favorite side arm is the nite finder. They are easy to mod and get great range.

  21. That's a hard question... I'd say it's pretty even between my Rayven and my Stampede as far as sidearms go... Once I get my dual Vulcan made, it'll probably change to a third, normal Vulcan and my Rayven. My usual loadout is upwards of five big guns; I am NOT the guy you want to be up against in a war.
