
Monday, January 16, 2012

Lightning Storm Pic Spam

As usual, I leave the reviews of new Nerf stuff to those who do it best, the blogs I consider the "Big 3".  But that won't stop me from putting in my two cents about the utility of these blasters and trying to find a different slant on things.  I also was surprised at the lack of pic-spam for the new Lightning Storm accessories, the "new" big Super Soaker for 2012.  It's got a recolored Thunderstorm at it's core, but the selling point hands down for this guy is it's accessories.  It's got accessories for N-Strike Rails and Removable stocks, as well as a new drum magazine.  Quite honestly, I'm a parts-swapper and I think the Lightning Storm looks better with this loadout to the right.  That's a Shotblast Scope and Stock with a normal water magazine.

More after the jump!  (Love that line!)

 First, let's put that shield to good use on something that more Nerfers are inclined to use.  And since the Whiteout Series lends itself well to the Super Soaker colors, I thought I'd try it out on my Longstrike.  Looks pretty nice on there, with or without the barrel attached.  Doesn't impede with priming the blaster, though if you are a fan of using sights to help you aim with this, it might get in the way a bit.

 The shield also works well on a variety of other not-super-wide blasters.  Much like how the Stampede Shield doesn't really fit on fatter blasters, this guy won't do very well either.  It does lend itself well to the Scatter Blast (2011) if you ask me though!

 To me, the REAL treat for Super Soaker and Nerf Fans alike is the new stock.  It's been the talk of the town since news first broke of the Lightning Storm, and rightfully so.  It's as solid as it looks, and comes in just a hair longer than a fully-extended Raider Stock.  This has got to be the most sturdy stock that Nerf has released to date.  If you want stability like no other on your blaster, this stock is the ticket.  It's comfortable, fits most body types well, and if you sanded it down and smoothed off all those Lightning Bolt graphics, it could be a really slick looking stock on a repainted blaster.  I can't really think of a good way to get rid of that Lightning Bolt in the middle of it, but it doesn't bother me too much.
 This stock DOES, however, make me wish I had painted my Spectre in the Whiteout Colors instead of blue though.  My favorite setup for a Spectre, which was a Longstrike Barrel and a Raider Stock, looks even better with this stock on there.  It looks good enough that I might end up doing just that.  Either that or I get to play the waiting game to see if Wal-Mart ever releases that Whiteout Spectre to make things WORLDS easier for me.  Regardless, it looks fantastic, IMHO.
 And finally, I present to you what the Thunderstorm SHOULD'VE looked like when it was released so we could bypass this whole inverted-color look.  I think the Lighting Storm looks better with the 2011 attachments and the Thunderstorm looks better with the 2012 attachments.  It may be "too much white" for some folks' taste, but I think it looks better when the colors are unified instead of that off-black gob of plastic in the middle that was the Lightning Storm.

That's my Pic-Spam for this blog.  Check out Urban Tagger's review of the Lighting Storm and keep your eyes out for reviews from SG Super Soakers and Nerf Mods & Reviews!


  1. Any chance you could do a whiteout pic spam with the attachments?

    1. Well, there's not a whole lot of pic spam I could do with it. Since none of the Whiteout Blasters have a Stock attachment and they can't use the new drum mag, it would essentially be Whiteout Blasters with the shield. I already did the Longstrike, I don't own a Deploy (neither do I intend to), I gave my Whiteout Mav to a friend, so the only other blaster I could do is a NiteFinder with the shield.
