
Friday, January 27, 2012

Laser Tag Questions: January 30th-February 2nd

Between the 23rd and 27th of this month, I posted Tactical Advice every day for Nerf.  For the next week, between January 30th and February 2nd, I'll be answering questions for Laser Tag.  This is also a good time to get some more exposure for laser tag out there since the newest laser tag system will be unveiled at ToyFair 2012 on February 12th!

Since I'm more of an expert at Laser Tag than Nerf, I figured this would be a good opportunity to answer questions from my readers and viewers since there's SO MUCH I could cover!  I may end up expanding this into a longer series of Questions and Answers if there's enough response, so pick my brain!  Ask me about this hobby I love so much!


  1. I kinda thought of this while on the chat roll, but I don't think I've seen any actual complete write ups on your laser tag-nerf shell guns. I was wondering if you could give some details on how you get these to work. Would be interesting to see the method behind the madness.

  2. I would like to hear:

    1. Experience with and predicted future of home-brew: Arduino, MilesTag, etc.

    2. Best accessories and props for a laser tag game.

    3. Great game types and scenarios that your club has played.

  3. I just have one question (really relevant):

    How on earth do you blog so much!? 0_0

    1. Simple! When I've got spare time, I make use of it!

  4. I'd like to hear your thoughts on the gear you've used, and what features you'd like to see in the next iteration.

  5. i want to know what kind of ranges these get

  6. How much money have you spent on your hobby over the years?

  7. 1.I would like to know how you make an fasten your power supply's for taggers so well so they do not turn off in the process

    2.I would like to see how you make your arduino boards and taggers+some of your coding cause they just seem AWSUME!

  8. two things,recasing and that one system thing. how can you make so much awesomeness!? And not just an answering of a question please. I want to learn more about it.

    1. You're gonna have to be more specific than "That one system thing". I can think of several!

    2. Maybe it's the arduino. I think you said it's on the rayven someone's working on.

    3. Arduinos will get covered in one of my daily posts this week. It's complicated stuff, especially for folks who aren't experienced with basic Laser Tag to begin with.

  9. Since there's new Lazer Tag gear coming out later this year, what are your feature predictions and what would you ideally like to see in the new gear?


  10. How did you get your laser tag and Nerfing group together at such an older age? While I'm not very big on laser tag, I'd still love to get a group of people my age together for Nerf wars and whatnot.

    1. I'm SO glad you asked! I may just have to devote one of these days to answering that, as I think I've got a lot I could say about it. If I don't get around to it, ask me again and I'll get on that!

  11. Can you do a video showing the compatibility rate of LC and LTTO/LTX
