
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

First Laser Tag game of 2012

A week or so ago we held our first match of the 2012 year.  Given the unseasonably warm temperatures, it was quite easy to plan a match for us.  We broke out the LTXs since the majority of the game would be played in daylight.  The game started at 3pm and went until 6.  It was an epic 3 hours of 6 awesome rounds of Laser Tag... and somehow yours truly ended up on the winning side for every game!  On top of that, I only got tagged out of 1 of those 6 games!  That's unprecedented for me!  (Usually I die leading others into combat)

It was also the first outing of 2012 for the LTX DMR and it's refreshed paint job.  I added some silver details and touched up a few other spots, including fixing my Orange tip on the end of the rifle.  It performed well in every game and I truly enjoyed using it to frag people from across the park.  It's range definitely showed at this game.  The only other Sniper-class rival for it was Sundawg's custom LTX that tot's a lens arrangement from LazerBait.  However, many games when Sundawg was on the opposing side, my team was able to get the jump on him by taking down his meat shields and surrounding him.  One of those times, I managed to shave off the rest of his life points without him even being aware of my position thanks to the many distractions he had to aim at while he was flushed out of his spot.

In general, it was a great mix of veterans and newbies.  German, Eleri, FirestormCamo, Sundawg, Ninja Haro, Panzer, Jumpsuit, all my OLCA faithful were in good showing.  In total, we had 18 players show up! Thanks to my efforts to ensure batteries were at peak performance, we didn't have any equipment malfunctions or freeze-ups like we did last winter.  However, I think part of that can also go to the 40 degree temperatures we enjoyed during most of the evening's games.

We kept things simple, Team Elimination Matches on 25 hits for 5 games and a Zombies game to finish out the night.  Teams were fairly balanced throughout it all too, so they were enjoyable but still challenging.  Sometimes, teams end up being tilted one way or the other and the few times that odds looked like they would tip the scales, it still ended up being a pretty fair fight.  Still, many of our matches ended in overwhelming odds, with 5-6 players still alive on the winning side when all was said and done.  That, and our Zombies game wasn't very effective, since the Zombie horde took awhile to start growing large enough to pose a significant enough threat to the Humans.  Most of the Human Veterans that I stuck around with held out on a hill overlooking much of the park, so Sundawg and I used our long range to shave off hits on incoming Zombies so they'd be easy pickings by the time they reached us.  By the end of the Zombies match, there were still at least 10 Humans.

Either way, we didn't get TOO many good shots from this game mainly because we didn't start taking pictures until it started to get dark.  After the second game of pictures, it was too dark to capture much of anything.  Still, we had lots of fun and I'm anxious to see if my luck will continue to hold out for future Laser Tag games in 2012!  I'm 6 for 6!


  1. Sounds like fun. Could you use that one system thing so MORE people could join in? Like so if the majority has this system you could use that one system thing?

    1. As long as everyone had a Phoenix LTX, you could add as many people as there are blasters. The LTTO Blasters (Lazer Tag Team Ops) are compatible with the LTX too, but if you wanted to use them with Teams, they would have to host all of the LTXs with the LTTO Blasters, since that's how LTTO uses teams. Hosting only allows a maximum of 25 players (Unless you have an LTHQ, but I won't get into that). You could still have a massive LTTO and LTX game with everything being compatible if they were all in Solo Mode, but that would mean that you could shoot folks on your own team. With a LOT of players, it would be difficult to remember who all was on your team unless there was some kind of sign distinguishing them as one team or the other.

  2. So is that LTX DMR made out of a stampede? If so that is way freaking awesome, and great job. looked like a lot of fun despite the cold weather conditions. you probably warmed up pretty quick, running around though.

    1. Yes sir! It's a recently completed project of mine that I covered in great detail on this blog. It was actually the first major project that this blog covered. You can see the full review of the LTX DMR here> <
