
Friday, January 20, 2012

Congrats to TestamentSeven7! NEXT: Bandolier Giveaway!

This week's winner is the NM&R Chatroll Lurkmaster: TestamentSeven7!  He'll be receiving 35 Exclusive Red Streamline darts!  Once again, thanks to everyone for your comments and insight!  If you haven't, check out the comments from last week's giveaway to see what everyone's take is on their preffered dart types.  It's interesting seeing the common ground as well as some personal opinion coming into play when it comes to choosing darts.

Which brings us to this week's question.  You've told us what your favorite darts are.  NOW I want to know what's your preferred way of carrying them into games?  Do you just use the blaster's carrying capacity?  Maybe stuff a few extras into pockets?  Perhaps you've got yourself a Tactical Vest or maybe a...

BANDOLIER!  Well, if you don't have one and are in the market for a Nerf-brand Bandolier, I've got a brand new one that needs a good home.  It's a pretty neat piece and has certainly become one of my favorite ways of carrying extra rounds into battle.  Enter to win by answering that question above in the comments and you could win this!

EDIT:  This WILL come with 18 darts and two clips!


  1. Man,I was hoping for the darts and clips. Anyway,I just load up as many clips as I can etc. I use the flip clip and recon stock. That's like,18 darts!

    1. I've actually changed my mind to include the clips and darts for this too.

  2. Lately, I've been using my Proton, which means blaster in right hand; four discs in left.

    If I am using an N-Strike blaster, though, it's usually the same: blaster in right hand, a few scavenged darts in my left. If I've got too many in my hand, they travel down to my cargo pants's giant thigh pockets.

  3. I love clip system blasters, and having those extra clips is easy, but I would have to say I saw someone with a belt that had a bunch of small pieces of CPVC all attatched to it. (each holding individual darts) sort of like a Rambo bandoleer type thing. looked pretty awesome, and I'd love to make something like that myself.

  4. I carry extra clips and a small gun(usually my maxed out Reflex) in my pants pockets. I'd prefer using a bandolier for my clips though witch I do not have at the moment. I think a tactical vest would be cool too ,but it is probably too small for me. I'll also carry my Dart Tag bag of stefans when I use my modded Spy Gear Rocket Launcher or Titan.
    C-dog (8-D

  5. I mainly use the darts in the clip. But I plan on getting a tactical vest(maybe another giveaway?. The only other time that I carry darts is when I use my Ice-bow (No it is not a Drac rip-off). But other than that select time I never carry extra darts.

  6. That's an excellent question, Zook. I've got a few different ways of carrying darts. One of my favorite for mid size non-CS blasters is the Barrel Break IX-2's ammo holder tactical rail attachment. It works great for the Furyfire, Barrel Break, Firefly, Spectre, and Barricade. Especially the firefly since it also carries a whole entire reload on the stock.

    For CS blasters, I usually use the Recon's stock to hold an extra 6-round clip that I fill with any streamlines I find on the floor. Alternately, I made a little holster pouch thing for my belt that can hold 18 and 35 round drums, and 18 round clips. Failing that, I can just stuff 18 round clips in my pockets easily enough. 6 rounders tend to be harder to extract.

    For Buzz Bee blasters or any other blasters that won't fit the tactical rail attachment, I just put them in my pocket or shirt pocket if I have one.

    If I win I solemnly pledge to use the bandolier as my primary non-pocket dart storage device :)

  7. Preferred method? Having them in spare clips ready to go or having a pouch to put them in for blasters that don't use clips.

  8. whistler darts because you dont have to mess around shoving darts into clips. unless you have an extra clip...

  9. Um, are we talking official product or anything?

    Ok, first let me start by saying I don't actually attend any wars or HVZ yet. However I have been experimenting and prototyping with many different things and ideas. From re-purposing a basic-use tactical vest, to custom pouches for n-strike clips on a web belt made of cardboard, duct tape, and hot glue.....hey it works...

    Currently my best option is, ironically, a bandolier strap, but i'm still experimenting and toying around with different setups, and i'm hoping to eventually have a rigging that'll hold clips, accessories, and sidearm( s) in such a streamlined way that will be most effective and least cumbersome.

    Unrelated, zooka, maybe you should do a couple posts about tactical ideas for nerf / laser tag stuffs? I'd read it...

  10. Depending on what primary I use, my methods vary; although I'm currently looking into a high grade tactical vest. I like the Raider 35-round drum with my stampede, which means I usually don't carry extra clips (35 Shots), but with my longshot I carry a six round clip in the rear storage, and two in my back pockets. This gives me a total of 24 darts going into a war; I use 6 dart clips because they jam the least out of every system I've seen, they make it easy to keep track of dart usage, and they're easy to swap.

  11. i use the barrel break attachment. ive got a few of them!

  12. I use my Tactical Vest.....Whoa has that reply button always been here......XD

  13. I like the Barrel Break attachment as well as just using pockets. the Bandolier looks really neat and i like that it can be used it as a gun sling.

  14. For me, my primary is a modded Longstrike. Last time I played a game of HvZ, I had enough time to pick up darts and reload while friends were covering me. So I usually have 3 clips on the gun (the one in the chamber, and 2 in the stock) and if I feel the need for more, I either but clips in my back pockets or I carry a small satchel that has extra darts and clips.

  15. How do I carry my ammo into battle. HMMM? On this Bandolier, that you are giving away. That is how I would carry them into battle.

  16. I carry my darts into battle with my bandolier filling it to the max with my 3 18 dart clips and 3 of my 6 dart clips for my primary (Stampede), starting out with an 18 dart drum. Then holding 12 whistler darts in the top for my secondary (scout). Then if I use my vortex blasters, I put the discs in a plastic bag and tie it to my pants, or stuff the discs in my pockets.

    1. Super Nerf SpartanMay 13, 2012 at 8:26 AM

      I use the basics: a Tac Vest (made by Hasbro) and two bandoliers. Vortex clips on one bandolier and N-Strike on the other. Either 4 of the 6-dart clips on my vest or 4 Vortex 10-round magazines. Various BuzzBee darts on the dart holders on one and three each of the main four types of ammo: three Dart tag, three Whistlers, three Micros, and three Streamlines = 12 darts. I then use my assault backpack, which is an old G.I. Joe fishing backpack that I converted into a spare ammo and accessory holder. It can store about 24 6-round clips or about 3 35-round drums. Or my favorite....10 18-round drums. I have a lot of Nerf....all bought with my own money...that I earned. Lastly, I use cargo pants to store twin Scout pistols and that is about it for my loadout.
