
Friday, November 4, 2011

First Week's Winner! Who's Next?

So after I entered everyone's names who commented on last week's Giveaway post, we have a winner!  Dan is our man for the first week!  He'll be receiving the Gear Up! Barricade as well as the Tactical Vest that I threw in as part of the update.  Thanks to everyone who commented on what they thought of the Gear Up! stuff and, in general, for your support of this blog!

The next item up for grabs is actually what the Gear Up! line promoted... Vortex!  This week's question is what your initial impression of Vortex was when you first heard of it and if that opinion changed over time up to the point that it was actually released on 9-10-11 (or when you actually got your hands on one).  Same rules apply: as long as you comment, you're entered to win the prize.  If you're a subscriber, your name gets entered TWICE!

And that prize is... a Nerf Vortex Vigilon!  Complete with a Torsion Spring modification to give it that extra "oomph'!  Good luck, everyone, and congrats again to Dan for being our Week 1 winner!
The Vigilon taking part in our first N-Strike vs Vortex Game


  1. I first heard of the Vortex line through the Gear Up line. Being a fan of all things different, odd, and carrying an air of mystery, I was intrigued. I wasn't completely sold on the disk idea, but I did like how sturdy the disk was, and saw that a disk would obviously fly better than a dart.
    When SG Nerf got a hold of most of the line early, I was pretty pumped. All the guns performed as well as Nerf said they would, and the torsion spring launching system was pretty sweet. Interestingly, the one that I liked the most was the Proton. Its loading system, shape, portability and price made it very tempting for me. Being a (poor) college student, I managed to resist the temptation of buying one for a whole two weeks or so. =P It was pretty much what I expected, after reading a bunch of stuff on the good ol' interwebs. It shot far, it curved to the right consistently after 40 ft or so, and (this was surprising to me) was fat. Except it isn't. It's one of those fun optical illusions where it looks really wide, but when you compare it to another Nerf gun, it's really not that much wider than any of them, especially the revolvers.

  2. Well, The Vortex series was pretty under-rated. The Proton has a wierd shell and loading, but it works fine. The scope that comes with the Nitron is really cool. Bummer Vortex guns aren't generally good for close range. You can't fire them gangsta style. :( I think the Vigilon is my favorite.

  3. The vortex series was great surprise and such a good one. With the mystery of the internals the gear was a must have even before the release. But also with the release of the new ammo and firing mechanisms. With the gear up series giving one free disk and code for a sneak preview were totally worth the wait. Once vortex was released I personally wanted the series 100x more.

  4. I first thought that it was going to fail terribly, but I was proved wrong by the praxis. I was disappointed by the nitron but other than that i love the vortex line.

  5. Woot! How cool! I suppose you need my snail mail eh?

  6. I sent a message to you through your Profile. If that didn't work, just send an e-mail to

  7. Well I think vortex puts a nice new idea for nerf. It has good range and it looks uber cool :D.
    I hope they continue the Vortex line. :D

  8. Nerf's days of releasing extra-moddable platforms like the iconic crossbow are over. I was not immediately stoked over the announcement of a new blaster lineup. I thought the vortex line would just be another step away from the easily customizable blasters of the past. My opinion DID change though once I saw some of them in action. The vortex blasters work and they work well. Stock ranges are better than the average Nerf gun, and better even than some guns with the AR's removed. I guess what turned me on to them was they really don't NEED to be modded to be fun, while I cannot say the same about some of the N-strike series. I am especially a fan of the Proton. Its form and function are exceptionally satisfying and it's the cheapest of the lot.

  9. While I'm still not keen on disc blasters and much prefer darts over discs, the Vortex line kind of blew me away. I was really disappointed to hear that Vortex would be a disc blaster line when it was first announced. But after seeing demo videos and reviews of the blasters before their release, my opinion quickly changed. While they're not the classic dart blasters I love to death, the Vortex license is still pretty interesting.

  10. I wasn't initially sure what to think of the Vortex line because of the flywheels, and disk ammo; now that they've been out for a while now i'm hearing a lot of good things about them.

  11. My first impressions of the vortex guns where, when first announced; "Great, more disk shooters" or something to that effect. After the release, and as more people got their hands on them, I quickly realized that there may be something to them after all. Finally getting a hold of a solitary disk, it's unique, aerodynamic shape shows alot of thought and design went into the ammo. It's as close to a "rifling" effect as you can get in something with such low velocity, which can only mean better than average accuracy. In theory anyway.

    I don't own any of the vortex line yet, but it seems to me that Vortex may find it's place in Nerf communities and wars yet. The line is still very young and i'm interested in seeing what Nerf/Hasbro releases next for Vortex down the road.

  12. Same as testament, I expected crappy foam discs. When people got they're hands on them and they got decent ranges I started to like the idea, but when I learned that they were bad in the wind and that they were hard to mod I came to my current conclusion: I'm not buying one. But I wouldn't mind winning one ;)

    Incognito Burrito

  13. Before we really got to see much of them, I kept watching that video Nerf put out showing one be shot and was SUPER EXCITED!!!! But as more and more people started getting their hands on them before the release, my excitement turned into disappointment. It's no fun for new blasters to come out when it seems like half the world already has them and has already had plenty of time to tamper with them.

    It was good timing for Nerf to come out with another line to keep people's money away from being able to buy from their competition like Max Force.

    Without belaboring my thoughts, I haven't bought any and don't really plan to unless they go on sale because they require I buy a whole new type of ammo. The stock ranges are really cool, the guns look saweet, and I'm interested to see what else happens with the line. All the same, I'm sticking to darts for now.

  14. Looks like something that would be fun if I ever get a chance to roadtrip up there to tag with you guys, because I'm sure you regularly have impromptu eruptions of nerf during your tag games or in the dead zone... Also looks like something my cats would enjoy since the discs undoubtedly ricochet and roll around before coming to rest...

  15. I didn't really like them, especially how easy they are to mod. I always thought of modding as an art form where I can be creative. I wouldn't mind having one as my secondary, but I don't think anything will ever be able to replace my AT3K or my longshots.

  16. I first was really pumped about it and when I saw the first video freaked out. After reading more things in the later months I became more excited about. I bought a gear up maverick to see what the Vortex discs were and was surprised that everything I read about the discs were right. I haven't bought any blasters but hearing the 60 feet ranges sounds perfect. Knowing that all the Vortex series are almost the same just larger except the Nitron I might get the Proton.

  17. i was soo excited to see the promital vid for vortex then my bro bought the gear up barricade and i used the code online then the day came... the day vortex came out i was soo excited the vortex line exceeded my expectations i loved the foam discs i was tired of darts and ths was a good alternative all summed up the vortex line was so awsome nerf did one slick job with these blasters
