
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Captain America: 70% Complete

So today I went to my local Wal-Mart and picked up my copy of Captain America:  The First Avenger, on Blu-Ray/DVD in a familiar jacket and shield.  As I approached the cashier at the register, I told her "I feel like I shouldn't have to pay for something I was in."  We laughed and, alas, I was forced to pay for it.  Oh well!  The fact of the matter is that 70% of my costume is good to go!  Been working on details on the jacket and now am moving on to accessories and the pants.

Speaking of those darned pants, do you have any idea how tough it is to find a pair of blue sweatpants?  Not navy blue.  Just blue.  There's a serious drought in the stores I've been checking in my area for this and it's driving me nerts!  That, and trying to find accessories that match color is a bit tricky too when your color is dark brown.  If it were black, I'd have no problem!  Still, things are coming along.

Here's one of the changes I made to the jacket.  The maker had the straps in the front in brown leather, which is all wrong.  Those are supposed to be red to look like the stripes on the American flag!  So I got me some red suspenders and replaced them,  I used the same buckles on the jacket, just looped through them with the red straps which were wider than the brown ones.  I then integrated the red straps into the jacket's "belt" to secure them.

There have been other tweaks to details on this.  The jacket kind of smelled like a gas station attendant and had some metallic specs all over it.  After a good wipe down, vacuuming, and use of some diluted soap, I got it all spiffed up and good to go.  Next up is getting my accessories all together and the pants.  It'll make it's complete debut on Friday for a party before I take it out for laser tag on Sunday, so that should be a good indicator of how durable this costume really is.

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