
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Battle with the Band

So every year I host a laser tag game inside the Music Building on campus as part of the post-marching band camp festivities that are planned.  This year we managed enough LTTO and LTX gear to use it, as opposed to our old faithful Laser Challenge gear, which is not as ideal for an indoor setting like the music building.

Here are  a few fun shots from the games we held.  Our attendance reached 30 players, but we continued to play even when the group was as small as 10.  Games lasted from 7-10pm.  Needless to say I'm POOPED!
Upstairs Team for Game 1 (so this is HALF our turnout)

Blastin in the stairwell

Surrounded by ladies?  His shirt is totally saying "oh yeah!"

Getting fragged in a firefight.  Reflection shots are crazy in there!

Even seasoned veterans have trouble holding their own against the hordes of players

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