
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Outdoor Tests for Battle Tag

My right-hand man Brandon and I found some time yesterday to go outdoors and check out Battle Tag and it's performance outdoors. The video was shot during the tests and we gathered some rough numbers during it.  We returned home to calculate the actual results and to check the range of the UbiConnect.

The range of the blasters seemed to top out at 300 feet while the UbiConnect still managed to keep connection with our blasters about 600 feet out.  We also used a Laser Challenge vest to see if the blaster range would go any further, but it stopped receiving hits at the same point the Battle Tag Sensor Harness did.  The Maximum power setting was used on these blasters.

While the UbiConnect has good range indoors and decent range for outdoor games, serious outdoor laser taggers will find themselves out of connection, especially when in thick cover.  The Sensor setup on these is especially nice though, as both Brandon and I were able to fire from different angles and positions without having the sensors covered up.  The Shoulder sensors are an especially nice addition.

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