
Friday, April 22, 2011

LTX DMR Progress Update 5

Combat Test Results
After the game, I confirmed results of it's range that it was hitting targets that were up to 800 feet away. Ran these tests on Google Earth based on my position at the time and where my targets were.
Only 2 problems, both of which I can fix 
  1. Power Resetting
  2. Accuracy (lack of a Sight)

Range Test Results

Results may have changed from what the combat test revealed, as I have since changed the lens in the LTX DMR. I was having problems with mounting the TMB's lens in the DMR's front shell. The plastic was getting too thin.  I switched to a Laser Challenge Virtual Paintball lens, which has been known to achieve ranges of 1100 feet.  The lens is slightly smaller and fits perfectly in the barrel.  I also changed the IR LED to a TSAL 6100 to better match and fit the new lens' housing.  Indoor testing of the focus of this lens revealed that this is totally different from the focus on the LTTO and LTX blasters.  I did some range testing on the LTX DMR with a LTX and a Laser Challenge Target set up at one end of the park and moved away from it with the LTX DMR firing every 30-40 feet or so. I stopped landing hits on the LTX at about 600 feet but I was STILL able to hit the LC version as far as 1260 feet! I've obviously got some more investigation to do in terms of the lens setup on this blaster.

1 comment:

  1. I have heard this before. It seems LC really does very well at night and can out range LTTO/LTX sensors. You also need to keep in mind that the TSAL6100 is a great LED but not a perfect match for most LC lenses. Good enough most of the time. Still the ranges you are getting are longer than most parks we use. If I ever get the time I will see if I can make a lens TMB sized. Maybe it will work better with your projects.
