
Sunday, April 17, 2011

"Amped" Stampede

We shot video of a Stampede awhile ago hooked up to a DC Power Regulator, but it didn't do so hot.  So instead, this "Amped" video displays the mobile version of Sundawg's powerful custom Stampede ECS.

More "Amped" series projects to come later!


  1. What are it's new ranges? What springs did you use?

  2. New Ranges on his Stampede land between 50 and 60 feet. Due to the inaccurate nature of Streamline darts being used at high velocities, the blaster's potential is slightly diminished. The double spring in this still uses a stock Stampede Spring but also adds a NiteFinder EX-3 spring. There is also a better seal on the O Ring and the Air Restrictor has been removed.
